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10 Ideas to Help Sharpen Your Headline Writing Skills
“Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Months!”
“Save 50% Today Only!”
“Close the Sale with This One Step!”
You’ve most likely seen headlines like these before because they catch your attention and get you thinking.
But how do you write a headline that turns heads and motivates people to read the rest of your text and take action?
Breakthrough Advertising with Headlines
Verbalization is the skill you’ll need.
It is the “art of increasing the impact of a headline by the way in which it is stated.” The important part is not just knowing what you want to say, but HOW to say it.
Below are 10 headline writing skills that will transform your headline writing so that it screams for attention.
1. “Who Ever Heard of 17,000 Blooms From a Single Plant?”
Measuring the size of your claim is great for both telling and showing results.
2. “In Two Seconds, Bayer Aspirin Begins to Dissolve in Your Glass.”
Along with the size of your claim, measure the speed as well. Tell people how fast they will get better or be able to solve a problem.
3. “The Skin You Love to Touch!”
Make the prospect feel, smell, taste, touch, see or hear your headline by sensitizing your claim and pointing out the sense they can expect to take part in.
4. “Six Times Whiter Washes!”
Comparison in advertising works. Encourage potential buyers to compare your product to the competition or to things they have tried in the past that might not have worked that well.
5. “They Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano—But When I Started to Play…”
People love the dramatic, so play this up by dramatizing your claim or the result of it.
6. “How a Bald-Headed Barber Saved My Hair!”
Get your audience to imagine the impossible by stating your claim as a paradox.
7. “Could You Use $25 a Week Extra Income?”
State your claim as a question and direct the question to your target market to get them thinking.
8. “Here’s What to do to Get Rid of Pimples Fast!”
Solve their problems with your product by offering them information about how to accomplish your claim.
9. “Here’s What Doctors Do When They Feel Rotten!”
Use a respected person to promote your product and tie authority to your claim.
10. “Now,” “Introducing,” “Announcing!”
Stress the newness of your claim by using words that will show people this is something they haven’t seen before.
When writing a captivating headline, there are so many ways to do it. By verbalizing your message, you will get people to take notice of your offer. We want to help you make even more of an impact in print. Contact us today!

Breakthrough Advertising
by Eugene M. Schwartz
This is not a book just for copywriters and other advertising experts but a book for every business owner, marketing expert or anyone who needs to increase sales.
The reason why is because it deals with how to channel the forces in the marketplace which control sales.
Put simply, Gene's book addresses the universal problem of all copywriting: How to write a headline — and an ad that follows it — that will open up a whole new market.
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